Kefir for Dogs
Kefir for dogs

Kefir is a yogurt-like fermented probiotic drink created by fermenting cow, goat milk, or sheep’s milk with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. It is an excellent source of probiotics for dogs and has several additional health benefits. It is simple to make and has several advantages for both people and canines.
Kefir is packed with beneficial bacteria and yeasts which are vital in a dogs digestion.
Kefir contains a high level of probiotics to support digestion, reduce allergic reactions and improve immunity.
Regular milk can induce lactose intolerance in dogs and people since there is a problem and they cannot digest the sugar lactose in milk. Lactose sugars in kefir are consumed by microorganisms in the kefir grains.
Kefir has extremely little lactose since the majority of the lactose in it is fermented. Even if your dog is lactose intolerant, a tiny amount of kefir may be tolerated to help balance their digestive tract.
You may also create kefir from sheep or goat’s milk if you are concerned about allergic responses. You may also make water kefir, which contains numerous helpful probiotic microorganisms.
Because it contains helpful bacteria for the intestines, kefir is safe and healthful for all canines. It can help balance the good and harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, improving digestion and ensuring dogs have the greatest digestive health possible.
Kefir contains the greatest probiotics and is an excellent cure for dogs suffering from diarrhea and yeast infections.
Kefir includes around 50 different types of lactic bacteria and yeast that can help with digestive issues. Many of these vital strains are not present in regular yogurt.
In conclusion, kefir provides several vitamins and minerals that might benefit our dogs’ digestive health. It can help prevent and treat numerous sensitivities and difficulties with our pets’ skin, immunological systems, allergies, and gut health that are caused by a lack of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.

Can dogs eat kefir?
Yes they can ! Modern advancements in the medical field allow us to confirm the many advantages of probiotics for dogs. Despite commercial supplements allowing the same benefits probiotics can offer, natural probiotic ingredients like kefir and yogurt can be more beneficial for animal health. Kefir is a drink produced by an organic micro-flora which consists of mostly beneficial bacteria.
Benefits of kefir for dogs
Kefir is a great ally when trying to maintain a healthy diet. Natural probiotics promote intestine passage and reduces a variety of digestive issues and pains including: diarrhea, irritability and gas. The beneficial bacteria enable intestinal flora to maintain its integrity and improve its digestion. It also helps to increase assimilation of vital nutrients. Therefore kefir is also believed to help improve immune function by preventing a wide number of diseases such as:
Why are probiotics important for dogs?
Like us, the dog has digestive bacteria that are composed in a variety of ways that are vital in maintaining healthy digestion. However, these bacteria are not limited to digestion but also affect our dogs’ metabolites and immune system. This occurs because the microbiome provides assimilation for essential nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals. Several probiotic strains for our dogs include Lactobacillum naturally present in the intestinal flora.
Supplementing your dog’s diet with probiotics is beneficial for their health by promoting digestive health and enhancing digestive function. Probiotics exist in a number of foods, including a variety of food products like yogurts cheese, and of course Kefir.
What are probiotics and are they good for my dog ?
Probiotics have a vital role in the digestive systems and gut health of both humans and dogs. Probiotics are “good” bacteria that the body need for a healthy immune system and intestinal health.
These beneficial bacteria contribute to the equilibrium of the microbiome in the intestine.
Kefir has a wide range of whole food probiotic microbes that have therapeutic qualities.
Is it OK to give dogs probiotics every day?
Dogs should be taking probiotics regularly, it will help maintain their normal digestion and health and wellness.
What are the advantages of probiotics and Kefir milk for dogs ?
• They suppress the growth and expansion of harmful bacteria • Probiotics can aid in the treatment of acute diarrhea (
• Has the potential to ameliorate food-responsive diarrhea (
• Can help with gut inflammation • May help minimize allergic responses • Improves nutrient absorption • Aids in food digestion • Best treatment for yeast infection in dogs • Normalize intestinal microbiota (
• Reduce diarrhea in anxious dogs (
What are the health benefits of Kefir?
Kefir is loaded with vitamins and minerals.
It contains a variety of whole food probiotic microbes with therapeutic capabilities.
Kefir includes around 50 distinct types of beneficial bacteria and yeasts.
Kefir is high in vitamins B1, B12, A, D, and K.
Kefir’s high concentration of B complex vitamins can aid in the regulation and improvement of renal function, the prevention of bladder stones, the improvement of liver function, and the support of the neurological system.
It also has calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which can assist with bone weakening, joint problems, and discomfort.
Kefir contains several vital strains of gut friendly bacteria and yeast that regulate certain types of bacteria and yeast in the digestive system.
Kefir’s probiotics assist in the healing and balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut, boosting digestive system performance and supporting optimal digestive health in dogs.
Kefir is the greatest probiotic for dogs that have diarrhea. If your dog has diarrhea, kefir can help cure it fast and safely.
Kefir’s antifungal properties make it ideal for treating yeast infections in dogs.
The antifungal qualities of kefir can eliminate yeast and prevent yeast infections produced by the body’s conversion of sugar and carbs from your dog’s diet.
Kefir can assist improve skin issues while also increasing vitality and lifespan.
It can help with bloating, gas, and heartburn, as well as minimizing leaky gut.
Kefir has been shown to help with gastritis and pancreatitis, as well as peptic ulcers, arthritis, and anemia.
Kefir has anti-inflammatory properties.
Kefir is beneficial to the health of the coat and skin. It may relieve itchy skin and prevent hot spots.
Kefir can help increase immunity and keep illnesses at bay.
Is Kefir good for allergies or itching in dogs ?
Kefir can help reduce yeast infections in dogs. Kefir has been found to help relieve digestion, pain, and allergies, and acts as an antimicrobial agent.
Is there anything bad about Kefir to my dog ?
Begin slowly, giving your dog modest quantities of kefir at first, then gradually increasing. Some dogs may have diarrhea if they eat too much too fast. The prescribed doses should have no negative side effects.
Can kefir cause diarrhea in dogs?
Milk Kefir has less lactose than other dairy products but sometimes dogs experience adverse symptoms. Even though Kefir can help stop diarrhea in dogs, excessively consuming kefir could also irritate the bowel. So go slow and gradually increase the dosage of kefir you give to your dog. If diarrhea or irritation continues be sure to see your local vet.
How do I feed Kefir to my dog ?
You can just pour it on their food, mix it in while preparing their food, or serve it on a small dish by itself. They seem to love the sour fermented smells and taste.
Which dogs benefit the most from Kefir?
Even though every dog has its own benefit from Kefir, others will see more benefit. Dogs with digestive disorders, dermatitis or allergies or dogs struggling at losing weight can all benefit from kefir. Kefir also makes for a wonderful option for old dogs. This can boost energy levels and keep young minds at peace.
Dosage of Kefir for Dogs
1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of dog weight each day
If your dog has recently been on antibiotics, you should double the dose for one month to assist control the gut bacteria.
Where can I find Kefir?
Kefir is frequently found in the refrigerated department of your local grocery store.
It is also available at whole food supermarket stores and health food stores.
You may also buy it online.
However, I feel that making your own is the most convenient option.
It is really simple and inexpensive.
You might be able to find a kefir-making acquaintance who will share their grains with you.
These locations also sell kefir grains and kits online. (kefir grains and kits, instructive ebooks) (kefir grains and kits, instructional ebooks)
Make Your Own Fresh Kefir for dogs
Make your own fresh Kefir for your dog using live kefir grains and your favorite milk. The grains are available for purchase online. They are not grains, but rather a rubbery form of bacterium cluster (similar to Kombucha scoby) that resembles cottage cheese. They will continue to proliferate as long as you keep them in fresh milk. If you use coconut or almond milk, you must add sugar for them to eat otherwise they will become smaller and smaller till they die. You may also freshen them by soaking them in ordinary milk every other or third fermentation. If you tend to them and store them in ordinary or goat’s milk, they will endure a very long time and multiply, allowing you to share with friends.
Ingredients you will need:
• 1 tsp Live Kefir Grains
• 3 cups milk
• 1 quart jar with lid
• Strainer (preferrably plastic)
• Place 1 tablespoon of fresh kefir grains in your jar and fill it with milk to just below the jar’s neck.
• Put the lid on the jar, but not too tightly. Place the jar on the counter at room temperature for about 24 hours. If it begins to separate or if there are any free places in the jar of clear liquid, it has finished fermenting. When the milk has finished fermenting, it will thicken and taste sour.
• Pour the kefir and grains into the sieve and set it over a bowl. Stir the grains with a spoon and pour any residual thick kefir through a sieve.
• Replace the kefir grains in the container and add fresh milk to restart the process.
• You may now enjoy your freshly prepared kefir. You may either give it to your dog directly or mix it with their diet. You may also drink it straight, add it to smoothies, or create yogurt with it. If you keep it in the refrigerator, it will stay fresh for several days. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the sourder it becomes because the bacteria continue to ferment the milk. It will still be beneficial, but it may be difficult to swallow since it gets so sour!
Each week, the kefir grains will multiply. Because it will ferment too soon, you may need to add extra milk, start another jar, or remove part of the grains. If you remove grains, don’t throw them away; instead, give them to friends or pets, eat them yourself, or blend them into a smoothie. They are beneficial to your health.
If you don’t want or need to prepare a jar of kefir every day, you can ferment it for 24 hours and then refrigerate the entire jar. It will still ferment slowly, but at a much slower rate. You may keep it in there for several days or weeks. When you’re ready to use it again or make fresh kefir, just filter what has been sitting in the refrigerator, re-add your kefir grains to the jar, add additional milk, and let it ferment for at least 24 hours. You’ll be able to get on a program of producing kefir every day or every few days once you’ve determined how much you need each day or week. It is all up to you. Remember, if you take care of those grains, they may survive for years and provide an unending supply of wonderful probiotics to keep your dog and yourself healthy.